Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Val-Harra Saga - Book Tour and Giveaway


Dawn of the Overlords
The Val-Harra Saga Book 1
by Kevin Potter
Genre: Epic Fantasy

Dragons are real.
A draconic apocalypse is poised to strike at Humanity.
Just one wyrm stands in the way.

As a young dragon living by the ideals of virtue and honor, Dauria wanted nothing more than to live in peace and harmony with Humanity. When that failed, she helped establish a pact that forced Dragonkind into the shadows.

When she awakens after millennia of slumber, she finds the Earth a very different place than she remembers. To make matters worse, upon exiting her lair she finds herself stripped of all her draconic power and left to freeze, in human form, on the icy heights of her mountain home.

Someone doesn’t want her to rejoin the rest of her kind. Someone sabotaged her from the moment she awakened. Someone wants nothing more than to begin a full-scale war between humans and dragons with the fate of the Earth in the balance.

Somehow, Dauria has to find a way to overcome every obstacle placed in front of her and make her way to the Dragon Council. Who will prevent the coming war if not her?

But how can she do that with no power and not even the strength of her dragon form to aid her? 

If you love stories all about dragons as deeply flawed and conflicted as any human, if you enjoy rapid, page-turning suspense on the backdrop of dragon-centric contemporary fantasy, then download your copy of Dawn of the Overlord today!

**Get it FREE!!**

Power of the Overlords
The Val-Harra Saga Book 2

They exist, and have risen from their slumber to take the Earth back from Humankind.

In the aftermath of the Great Dragon War, a horrifying new power could destroy everything...

The subjugation of man should have brought an end to hostilities. It should have brought an age of peace to the Earth.
It didn’t. The hostile suspicion between dragons is worse than ever.

Since her failure to prevent the war, Dauria has all-but-lost her faith in the compassion of Dragonkind. But still she hopes. She prays that one day sanity will return to her people.

After centuries in Antarctica, Dauria and her budding family sacrifice the peace and stability of isolation to re-enter the deadly world of the New Dragon War to right a wrong she is partially responsible for.

The group travels to her ancestral home in Japan in the hope of stopping her brother's dark machinations. But when the family is separated, Dauria risks more than just her sanity in her quest to reunite her family and stop her brother's evil plans.

Will she find a way to thwart her brother and retrieve her family, or was the quest a lost cause from the start?

If you've been waiting for a series that puts dragons front and center, then look no farther! Kevin Potter's Val-Harra Saga is exactly what you've been looking for.

Age of the Overlords
The Val-Harra Saga Book 3

 In a future Earth where dragons reign supreme and have only each other to fear, is there any chance left for peace?

A conflicted dragon. A Prophecy. And an ancient wyrm with a dark secret...

Gravv is not the dragon he once was. No longer an innocent. No longer an idealist. Now he lives for little more than revenge. But in the aftermath of the disastrous showdown in Japan, he and his sire must meet with potential allies in the west.

Their arrival is far less than peaceful, however, and those allies have plans and secrets of their own. All is not well in this conclave of metallic dragons, and nothing is what it seems.

Will Gravv find a way to rise above his own prejudices and overcome the machinations of new enemies, or will The Age of Extinction make a victim of him as well?

Revenge of the Overlords
The Val-Harra Saga Book 4

 Thousands of years in the future, dragons rule the Earth.
Though the war is far from over, the battle has been won. But at what cost?

Maalyys is mourning for the losses in the last battle, but there is so much yet to do. Without the support of the overlords, the Great Council to save and unite all Dragonkind in peace will remain an unattainable dream...

Bal struggles to correct the tyranny his island home has lived in for centuries, but a prophetic nightmare shows him that he must take an active role in his sire's plans for the future.

Someone is working behind the scenes to sabotage the council, and Bal fears a wyrm has unlocked an unheard of power that will destroy them all.

When an unlooked-for miracle returns a fallen hero to their lives, everything changes. Hope, so long absent from the Earth, tugs at the hearts of both dragons.

But will it be enough? Will anything be enough to overcome the darkness that dominates all Dragonkind since the discovery of Essence Theft?

Though they sometimes work at cross purposes, Bal and Maalyys must work together toward their common goal lest one whom they both love will suffer all the more for it. 

Revenge of the Overlords is the long-awaited culmination of the Metal and Stone sequence, the first arc of the Blood of the Dragons series that brings full circle the story of what happens when dragons rule the Earth. Longer, deeper, and more epic than any of its predecessors, this book will keep you up turning pages long past your bedtime.

Hello, reader! (sorry to defy conventions, but I can't stand writing about myself in the third person. It's just weird.)
I spend a good portion of my time masquerading as dragons larger than some cities, but when I'm not doing that I like to spend my time picking people's brains.
No, no, I don't mean learning from their experiences, I like the taste of brain matter!
Okay, okay, I'll try to be serious for a minute (I can't promise for more than one minute though).
I've been a storyteller for almost as long as I can remember. It started when I was nine. In school, we had an assignment to write a one-page short story. That night, I wrote a nine-page "masterpiece" about a magical pair of shoes and their journeys throughout the western United States before finding an owner who would properly care for and appreciate them.
From there, my storytelling grew into DMing D&D games (and other roleplaying games).
Naturally, the games eventually led me to start writing stories.
I’m not a full-time author (yet), though I am hopeful. Professionally, I’ve done everything from technical support to restaurant management to building custom gaming PCs.
I live in Cottonwood Height, UT, with my wife and two beautiful daughters who I’m certain are much smarter than me.

Writer’s Block

This might be a little bit controversial, but I honestly don’t believe Writer’s Block is a real thing except in that the beliefs of the writer make it real.
Now, to be fair, there are psychological factors that can inhibit a writer’s ability to put words to paper, but I think calling it Writer’s Block is a crutch. It’s every bit as bad as overusing adverbs, passive voice, or exposition.
For example, take the pandemic that has been disrupting people’s lives everywhere this year. Is that affecting our ability to be creative? 
Some more than others, of course. 
Although in my day job I am one of those “essential” workers that was never out of work, it has still been a huge psychological strain on me and my family. Of course, we’ve had other stresses as well, but’s that’s another conversation altogether. As such, however, my productivity has not been anywhere near what it should be. As evinced by the fact that I am now on my third delay of the release date for my upcoming book.
To call that Writer’s Block, however, does me a disservice. It’s basically giving myself permission to write it off as something that I can’t help. It’s giving away my agency, and that doesn’t help anyone.
I know some authors who will say that Writer’s Block is an expression of fear of some sort, whether that is fear of failure, fear of success, fear of putting yourself out there, or anything else.
While I do see some validity to that, I don’t think it’s that simple. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to what people commonly call Writer’s Block. But for me, the best solution is to just continually remind yourself that you are not a starving artist, and neither are you a child who can indulge at their whim. Any artist who wants to have the ability to support themselves doing what they love has to look at their art like a job.
What does that mean?
You show up and do your work. 
Whether that’s writing words, painting pictures, drawing schematics, making music, or whatever else one might do to express their creativity. It isn’t a whim that you indulge in only when you’re inspired. 
It’s a job. 
You have to show up, sit your butt in the chair, and do the work. Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when just getting out of bed feels like too much. No matter what’s going on in your life, you show up and do the work.
Because at the end of the day, you can fix poor work. You can edit bad words. But you can’t fix work that was never done. 
And that, I feel, is the key to Writer’s Block.
My main inspiration to this view is, perhaps unsurprisingly, Stephen King. In his book On Writing, he says that he has a strict writing schedule. Every day before he does anything else, he goes up to his office and he writes seven pages. 
Now, if he’s using standard manuscript formatting then that works out to a little less than 2,000 words per day. It’s not a tremendous daily goal. I know many authors who do a lot more. Which makes it perfectly attainable for anyone if they work toward it. Even a slow writer can manage 2k in a day if they take the time to build up to it.
To break that down:
If you write 2k words per day, then in a month you have 60,000 words. That’s a short novel. In one month. In two months, you have a long novel. In six months, you have an epic on par with A Game of Thrones, Name of the Wind, or The Eye of the World. In eight to ten months, you have a monster, doorstop novel comparable to The Way of Kings or The Stand. 
That doesn’t factor in editing time, of course, but it should put things in perspective. Especially if you can, like the King, bang out those words in the morning and still have time to edit in the afternoon.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

$25 Amazon Gift Card (WW), 
Signed Paperback of Shadow of the Overlord (US only) 
– 1 winner each

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